Best way to maintain your human hair wig in Summer Days

Summer is so hot, and there are existing some factors that can make a damage on not only our original hair, but also our virgin hair wig, such as salt and water. So, do you know how to maintain your human hair wigs in summer days?

Try to avoid get your human hair wig wet!

This is the first thing you need pay attention to but many people may ignore. Actually, it is the most important tip for how to take care of 100% human hair wigs in summer days. And people like to go swimming in hot days. Your hair would be seriously damaged by sea salt and harsh chemicals in chlorine and it would also make your wig tangled and mess, especially for Brazilian curly human hair wig. Additionally, wig is different from our original hair. It does not have the nutrients and oils to help nourish and restore. Hence, getting your wig in wet and washing it frequently may seriously shorten their lifespan!

Protect your wig from heat and humidity!

We all know that the set is forbidden to leave in a box or in a pile on the ground in summer. And that is also why humidity is the worst nightmare for you wig. And plus, heat is also an enemy for your virgin wig. Some people would like to change Brazilian straight human hair into body wave human hair by themselves. And they prefer to finish it with a flat iron. However, flat iron is unfriendly to human hair. And it is very necessary to make it with the professional guidance. So, you should better let your wig air dry and store it in a dry place where is no sunshine. In that way, your wig can stay a long time.

Smooth frizz and nourish!

This is a quick tip when you want to take care of natural human hair lace wigs in hot summer. Hair oil is a perfect product to smooth frizz and fly away. At the same time, it can also nourish hair and keep your set silky smooth.

Try to avoid salt spray products!

In summer, nothing is better than waves in the beach. And most people choose to spend vacation in the sea. But the salt in the sea is bad for your wig, and you should also try to avoid use salt spray on your wig because it can be super drying! Most salt salt sprays have a ingredient of alcohol which is sure to dry your wig. Whether you wear a Peruvian straight virgin hair wig or natural Indian curly human hair wig, remember to choose a suitable spray for your wig.

More about Jasmine


  1. Răspunde

    Niciodată nu m-am gândit cum trebuie întreținută o perucă. Foarte util articolul și interesant.

  2. Răspunde

    Nu port așa ceva, dar este bine de știut ce tocmai am aflat din acest articol.

  3. Răspunde

    De ce ai face baie cu peruca pe cap? Exceptand persoanele cu probleme de sanatatea parului sau cu diverse stadii de cancer.

    1. Unele femei au senzatia ca daca au o peruca din par natural se pot duce la sauna sau la piscina asa :))

    2. Poate daca sunt vreo vip-a cu nasul pe sus

  4. Răspunde

    Imi doresc de mult timp o peruca dar nu stiam ca este asa de complicat.

  5. Răspunde

    Nu stiam ca perucile trebuie ferite de umezeala! Foarte bun articolul si cu multe informatii pentru persoanele ce poarta peruci sau extensii

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