What Material Should Your Disposable Gloves Be

Disposable gloves protect you and your customers from harm. In any industry in which you work with toxic substances, gloves are mandatory.

Fortunately, glove technology has risen to the challenge of the diverse workforce that requires protection. Gloves come in a wide variety of fit, durability, and materials.

So many materials, in fact, that choosing what you need to fit the job can get tricky. Especially with the pervasive nature of myths and misinformation out there about gloves.

We understand that you want to pay the best price for the best product. Just because  Disposable Gloves are meant to be worn and tossed, doesn’t mean they should fail halfway through a project.

Disposable Gloves Material

Materials partially define what a glove can resist, but they also give a difference in feel and fine motor control. Choosing the right glove often comes down to knowing what a task will entail.

Many industries have standardized training for gloves and will stock several types in a business with notations about when and how they are to be used.

Generally, disposable gloves help to keep the workplace safe and clean. Working with biological fluids can make workers uneasy. Working with chemicals can cause damage to hands over time. Working with some substances can make it hard to maintain a grip.


Latex gloves enjoyed a lot of popularity in the early days, but certain issues arose that proved more options were needed. Latex comes from natural rubber, so they are cheap and convenient. However, they can cause allergic reactions.

They work well for how quickly they can be put on. They also are effective while being thin, which makes them cheap. Latex offers one of the best tactile sensitivities, making them easy to work in for fine details.

Latex doesn’t do well against heavy chemicals and organic solvents.


Nitrile disposable gloves offer some of the best value for extended use. The gloves are stronger than most while staying thin and easy to move in.

Nitrile gloves resist chemicals well and have a higher degree of puncture-resistance than polyethylene synthetics and latex.

Nitrile Disposable Gloves provide excellent grip when working with grease and oils, which makes them a favorite for industries that need to maintain control when working with a lot of fluids and tools.

Nitrile materials pose a reduced risk of allergens and allergic reactions.


Vinyl disposable gloves give the most economical fit for many. Vinyl gloves fit loosely and offer standard protection from biological materials. Vinyl works well for short-term use but isn’t recommended for extended use.

Powder vs. Powder-Free

You may be asking why some gloves (especially vinyl and latex) come in powdered and powder-free versions.

Powder, commonly talcum or cornstarch, helps make gloves easier to put on and also more comfortable to wear. A common issue when you don gloves is the need to stretch and slide the glove over the wrist, especially the thumb. While being worn, gloves may slip or become warm which makes them sweaty.

Powder products help to alleviate these issues. But powdered gloves are not without risks in some industries.

More about Jasmine


  1. Răspunde

    Nu prea folosesc manusi, insa sunt categorii de oameni care nu se despart de ele

  2. Răspunde

    Good to know because I use them often.

    1. Need to know info given the current pandemic.

  3. Răspunde

    Am avut mereu cel puțin 2 perechi de mănuși de acest fel în casă. De când cu pandemie, am luat o cutie.

  4. Răspunde

    Mereu am la îndemână mănuși. Sunt utile.

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