Most comfortable wireless bra is in Cosmolle

When you do different sports activities or when you simply wear a dress, you want to wear the most comfortable underwear. When it comes to Cosmolle, we are talking about the most comfortable!

The most comfortable wireless bra is in Cosmolle

Summer is near, and the long-awaited moment of dresses has already arrived.

Today I want to present you some ideas of comfortable Cosmolle underwear that you can choose depending on the dress model you choose.

♥ The dress with bare shoulders needs a bra that supports the breast, but also gives you a nice aspect of it.

If we choose the most comfortable wireless bra, then we choose the option:

Fancy Summer Strapless Bralette

Fancy Summer Strapless Bralette is made of a soft and comfortable material, based on: 60% nailon reciclat+33% nailon+7% spandex.

This bra is available in various colors and can be worn in the summer even as a single piece together with a pair of jeans.

The most comfortable wireless bra is in Cosmolle

♥ If we choose to wear a dress with one shoulder, then the best choice is:

Fancy Summer Ribbed One Shoulder Bralette

It has probably happened to you to wear a dress with only one shoulder and every time you keep lifting that part of your bra, but with this option you can effectively forget about this inconvenience.

Fancy Summer Ribbed One Shoulder Bralette comes in different colors and has support under the breast so that you can feel perfect in a dress with such a model.

♥ Fine dresses, made of silk, are the ones that require the wearing of a fine bra, so a choice could be

So Obsessed Cross Back Bralette

It really is a model i could be wearing everyday.


Atunci cand faci diferite activitati sportive sau cand porti  pur si simplu o rochie iti doresti sa porti cea mai confortabila lenjerie. Cand vine vorba de Cosmolle atunci vorbim despre cea  mai comfortabila!

Most comfortable wireless bra is in Cosmolle

Vara este aproape, iar momentul mult-asteptat al rochiile deja a sosit.

Astazi vreau sa va prezint cateva idei de lenjerie comfortabila Cosmolle pe care sa o alegeti in fucntie de modelul de rochie ales.

♥ Rochia cu umeri goi are nevoie de un sutien care sa sustina sanul, dar care sa-ti confere si un aspect placut al acestuia.

Daca alegem cel mai confortabil sutien Cosmolle atunci alegem varianta:

Fancy Summer Strapless Bralette

Fancy Summer Strapless Bralette este realizat dintr-un material moale si comfortabil, avand la baza: 60%RECYCLED NYLON+33%NYLON+7%SPANDE.

Sutientul acesta se gaseste in culori variate si poate fi purtat vara chiar si ca piesa singulara impreuna cu o pereche de jeansi.

Most comfortable wireless bra is in Cosmolle

♥ Daca alegem sa purtam o rochie cu un singur umar atunci cea mai buna alegere este:

 Fancy Summer Ribbed One Shoulder Bralette

Probabil ca ti s-a intamplat si tie sa porti o rochie cu un singur umar si de fiecare data sa-ti tot ridici partea aceea a sutienului, insa cu aceasta varianta poti uita efectiv de acest inceonvenient.

Fancy Summer Ribbed One Shoulder Bralette vine in culori diferite si are parte de sustinere sub san astfel incat sa te poti simtii perfect intr-o rochie cu un astfel de model.

♥ Rochiile fine, din matase, sunt cele care obliga la purtarea unui sutien fin, asa ca o alegere ar putea fi

So Obsessed Cross Back Bralette

Chiar este un model pe care l-as putea purta in fiecare zi, indiferent de tinuta pe care as avea-o!

Si pentru ca nu pot sa nu va povestesc cate ceva si despre costumele comode pe care le gasiti pe site-ul Cosmolle, trebuie sa mentionez ca acestea chiar sunt perfecte pentru o sedinta de yoga, o plimbare cu catelul in parc sau mers la sala .

Pe oricare l-ai alege trebuie sa ai in vedere faptul ca materialul folosit este unul de foarte buna calitate. De aceea confortul primeaza atunci cand faci alegeri pe Cosmolle!

Tie ce produse ti-au atras atentia pe site-ul Cosmolle?

And because i can not not tell you about the comfortable sets that i have found on Cosmolle site,  I have to mention and admit that they are the best choice for a yoga session, a dog walk in the park or even a to go gym set because of the comfortable yoga suits.

Any choice you make just know that the materials are very high quality. That being said, the comfort, as you can tell, is the primary choice when it comes to Cosmolle!

What products cought your eye on Cosmolle site?


More about Jasmine


  1. Răspunde

    Mi-am gasit si eu cateva modele comode!

  2. Răspunde

    Imi plac bustierele alese de tine. Am si eu cateva modele pe care le folosesc la rochiile decoltate

  3. Răspunde

    Cat de multe modele faine! Mi-ar placea ceva nou si diferit, cat timp imi ofera o stare de confort!!

  4. Răspunde

    Ce bine ca exista astfel de modele de sutien, astfel ne bucurăm de tot felul de rochii!

  5. Răspunde

    Și mie îmi plac sutienele de genul acesta. Și eu as purta.

  6. Răspunde

    Waa, nice, eu doar burtiere port, ce modele interesante au aceștia, nu știam de ei.

  7. Răspunde

    Ador lenjeria tip bralette! Mi se parefoaaaart confortabila si foaaarte sexy!

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