A classical, romantic or, why not, rebel outfit?
What is your choice regarding the above from ZAFUL VALENTINE’S DAY?
Valentine’s Day is almost here and you haven’t decided yet what to wear?
Congratulations, you’re not the only one!
You will probably find the ideal wear at Zaful.

If you are a romantic, you can choose a fluffy dress, red color, cheerful, with some flowers(if you like); you can accesorize this with some sweet earings and a golden neckless. These will for sure make you a special lady in a special day.
For a date or a romantic dinner with your chosen one, a dress like this will make you look and feel special in that unique moment in which he will offer you a rose.
For a „rebel-type-style” woman, a short non-symmetric dress and a pair of high boots, worn over the knees is probably the ideal choice.
This dress can have the back naked. As accessories you can use silver shoes, stiletto style.

If you want to be „2018 trends” enabled, you can choose ultraviolet-Pantone: – a long, elegant dress defined by its own style.
If you want to express purity and elegance that is suave you should wear a white dress, with wide sleeves.

The shoulders shoud be uncovered and made from lace.
A pearl type earrings will complete the whole picture.
For a „classic defined” woman, the white-black combination seems to be the most appropriate choice.
This choice will make you stand out especially if you wear a red stiletto type pair of shoes.
In case you didn’t have time to choose anything, ar you have no idea what to wear, do not worry!
Just pick something from ZAFUL VALENTINE’S DAY SALE
Ramona Gheorghe
9 februarie 2018Foarte dragute alegerile tale. Sunt curioasa ce va fi pe urmatoarea ta comanda
Raluca Brezniceanu
8 februarie 2018Imi pregatesc acum si eu wishlistul.
Bianca Ionel
8 februarie 2018Prima rochita am pus si eu ochii pe ea de foarte mult timp. Sunt curioasa cum s-ar aseza pe mine. Poate o iau daca tot sunt reduceri!
9 februarie 2018Eu am pus ochii pe multe ,dar momentan am comandat o bluzita sa vad cum ma potrivesc a numere.
Alexandru Panait
8 februarie 2018I really like the dresses you have chosen for this blog post. Zaful is a really great online store to make some orders for your wardrobe, hehe.
7 februarie 2018alegeri frumoase, eu sunt mai sportiva si rochite aleg numai in cazul in care trebuie neaparat! dar admir pe cele care le poarta frecvent!
7 februarie 2018I love dresses, but if they are red, they are perfect!
Rodica Mihaela
7 februarie 2018Au intradevar rochii foarte frumoase! Partea cea mai grea este sa alegi una.
9 februarie 2018Da, asa este!
7 februarie 2018Foarte multe haine frumoase pentru Valentine’s day gasim pe Zaful.
7 februarie 2018I like first dress, I would like to wear it but not only on Valentine’s day.
Miss Bear
7 februarie 2018I like very much red garments but I also like wine red. i think both are ideal for Valentine s day and Zaful knew just that.
Claudia V
7 februarie 2018Frumoase alegeri dar cel mai mult mi-a placut prima rochie rosie. Parca e de printesa :)))
7 februarie 2018Pe rochia aia rosie am pus si eu ochii de anul trecut. Cine stie poate va fi a mea
Camelia Croitor
6 februarie 2018Imi place mult acest site. Tot timpul au oferte frumoase si lucruri de calitate. Rochiile ma fac sa tanjesc.Cea alba e superba.
Ana Maria Filimon
6 februarie 2018Foarte frumoase produsele pe care au ales sa le puna in categoria pentru Valentine’s cei de pe Zaful. Nu este el rosul tocmai preferatul meu dar intr-o tinuta festiva merge de minune!